If I could give you one gift it would be to see yourself through my eyes and then you would see how special you really are.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

I want patience NOW!!!!!

The social worker has called to say that our panel date has been moved, it's now 5 weeks away, instead of 2! I try to be philosophical about it, it's meant to be maybe. But do you know what I am actually really really really disappointed. I know that the man upstairs has his plan and that "patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet" John Jacques Rousseau. But, hell I wish it hadn't happened..........
Child 1 has now amended her countdown to 34 days and I've yet to tell the other two. Friends and family as usual are being supportive but still it's crap :-((

Storm before the rainbow.
All good things come to those that wait.
Something's are worth waiting for.
Everything will be alright in the end.
Things worth having are worth waiting for.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass its about dancing in the rain.
Everything happens for a reason.
Waiting may not be a good feeling but its better than having nothing to wait for.

OK I'm off to eat chocolate hoping that I'll feel better tomorrow...............................

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